Governor categorisation 2024-25

Ruth Trattles                                    Chair of Governors                                                                                                                                          Named Governor for Child Protection and Looked After Children                                                                  Headteacher Performance Management Committee,

Bev George                                      Named Governor for Health & Safety (including Digital Standards)                                    Headteacher Performance Management Committee 

Kelly Ahmed                                     Headteacher Performance Management Committee                                                                                       Named Governor for Well-being

Michelle Litvinov                Vice Chair of Governors

Local Authority Governor              Named Governor for Special Educational Needs & Disabilities                                                                      Named Governor for Attachment and Trauma                                             

Parent Governors                 

Ruth Phillips   

Staff Governors

Jayne Taylor                                      Headteacher & SENDCo

Ruth Ball                                            Teacher

Caroline Clough                                Associated staff governor                                                                     

Clerk to Governors                           Wendi Thompson

The Governing Body is a keen, enthusiastic and very supportive group of  people who take their statutory responsibilities for the school very  seriously.  Through their regular visits to nursery, they are very familiar with the life  of the school and its philosophy. They share the whole school vision for  development and work hard to ensure continuous improvement.  We provide high quality, inclusive early years education, additionally resourced for children with special educational needs. We value creativity, individuality, responsibility, challenge and a sense of community.