School Development Plan

Year on year, we are always looking to improve our school. A School Development Plan helps us achieve this.

To help us identify which areas to focus on, the following pointers are used:

  • Areas of improvement identified from external reports e.g. Ofsted or our School Improvement Partner
  • Our own annual staff self evaluation
  • Areas arising from family questionnaires, given out at the end of the school year in July
  • The children’s own evaluation of their Nursery
  • Our analysis of the year’s data, showing the progress the children have made, and where there are in gaps in learning we need to address

Our School Development Plan is a working document and so is updated every term with our new intake.   If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to one of us. Below is our School Development Plan for 2023-2024 (Autumn term).  If you would like a paper copy, please ask at the office.