Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision

Hirst Wood Nursery School is an inclusive mainstream Nursery that has been additionally resourced by the Local Authority to provide Early Years Enhanced Specialist provision that welcomes and values everyone. We strive to support all children to enable them to make the best possible progress, achieve well, to become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and ready to make the transition into compulsory education.  This policy details how we fulfil our duties under the Children & Families Act & The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice from September 2014.  It ensures that pupils with SEN and/or Disability have equality of opportunity and are not discriminated against. This policy will be used to ensure early identification and timely interventions, together with high aspirations to improve outcomes for young children. Teaching and supporting children with SEND is a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response, and we are proud of our commitment to high quality early years inclusive practice.   

Our inclusive provision offers families of children with SEND a range of options to meet their specific support needs. We always try to find a way to engage and support children and families as best we can. Children with SEND are supported by their Key Person, members of the Woodlands team, alongside all colleagues, and, where appropriate, external professionals and agencies.   To ensure that children with SEND have access to their education and are adequately supported, all colleagues have opportunities to access a wide range of professional training opportunities to ensure that the needs of the children are met and we are continually developing our expertise and the highest quality educational provision.

We offer a personalised curriculum for each child, starting from their “All About Me” records of achievements that reflects their personal interests, learning and curiosities.  Children with SEND also have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), which uses a small step approach to support their learning, this is co-constructed in partnership with parents and reviewed termly. For all children on EYESP places Educational and Health Care Assessment will be triggered within the first term of their starting Nursery education.


We are delighted to have been award Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence Status, our report can be found here  https://www.hirstwoodnscc.co.uk/website/iqm_inclusive_school_award/651988



SEN Information Report

Information about how we identify, assess and make provision for pupils with SEN and for the admission of disabled pupils can be found in our Special Educational Needs Report.


Local Offer

As part of the Children’s and Families Bill (2014) all schools are required to make available their Local SEND Offer to families which details how they support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

We are an inclusive Nursery and aim to support all children to enable them to make the best possible progress and achieve well. To accomplish this aim we offer a broad and balanced curriculum with high quality teaching. We provide effective support for children with special educational needs and disabilities.   We make sure that additional needs are identified early and we offer a range of provision to meet individual needs.  Teachers assess individual needs, plan and carry out one to one and small group activities as necessary as detailed in each child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Teachers work closely with other professionals such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and Physiotherapists.   We also work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that each child is supported when they leave to go to their next school.  Please refer to our SEND Policy and Equality Policy, however should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Hirst Wood Nursery School provision for children with special needs and disabilities can be accessed here https://www.hirstwoodnscc.co.uk/website/send_report_october_2022/664395

The Bradford Local Offer can be accessed here https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk/. More information about provision for children can be found in our Policies section which includes our Inclusion Policy, Policy for Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, and our Accessibility Plan.

From 4th December 2023, Bradford have launched The Speech and Language Pathway, see link below https://fyi.bradford.gov.uk/speech-and-language-pathway-for-parents/?fbclid=IwAR0-OfFrHkCat8G7zMiOD9d2tULnMoLpQsnTfflvwSb3uCeN4hj-hBjhD0Y_aem_AUmsMUOVrPi1ESTZiumtDqkWCry4a9NutOolOO4CMShiQcrTX7PLihbxzy_3kpk7jMU

Who are the best people to talk to in this setting if I am concerned about my child’s progress?
The first point of contact would be your child’s class teacher or key worker. Please approach them at any time if you have any worries about your child.  You can also talk to the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) /Head Teacher Jayne Taylor email Jayne.Taylor@hirstwoodnscc.co.uk.  We also have a named Governor for SEND who can be contacted via email care of office@hirstwoodnscc.co.uk and this will be forwarded on your behalf.